9 content formats for sales enablement that will boost your business results

9 content formats for sales enablement that will boost your business results

The success in the choice of content formats for sales enablement will drive the achievement of shared marketing and sales objectives. Discover how to use the best materials!

The selection of content formats for sales enablement is one of the crucial moments in the development of a strategy aimed at optimizing commercial results and training salespeople.

Without a doubt, Content Marketing is a great ally of the strategic objectives shared by sales and marketing, as long as it is executed in an optimal and coherent way.

The sales enablement is a process that seeks to create more effective sales processes, providing relevant information, giving them tools of persuasion salespeople and building a climate of trust and authority that favors the closure and results.

For this reason, it demands very specific material formats , which are aligned with the commercial area and the specific requirements of the teams.

But what are they? For sure, what should a content strategy of this type include?

Here we help you answer this and other questions!

Here are 9 of the most effective and far-reaching formats for sales enablement.

Join us until the end!

9 Powerful Content Formats for Sales Enablement

1. Videos (preferably interactive)

Video is much more than the fashionable format, adapted to this generation that loves and enjoys the visual.

It is a tangible source of profitability for business and Digital Marketing strategies .

Nearly 90% of marketers find that video as a content format gave them a good ROI . 

In addition, 80% say that it directly favored the increase in sales and 87% value it as an important source of lead generation .

And what makes this audiovisual format so special?

For sales enablement, video is a means to build trust, add value and explain in detail an element of interest , such as the functions and characteristics of products.

Imagine how many words, explanations, arguments and speeches you will save your salespeople! 

With strategic, attractive and relevant videos, you will generate engagement with your prospects and help them to fully understand your value offer, maturing them for the closing of sales.

If the videos are interactive , the better!

The interactive content , including this audiovisual format, will help you obtain data – through clicks on points of interest, comments and other interactions – and thus become better acquainted with your potential customer.

2. Success stories

Your salespeople have a great challenge every day or before each interaction with a lead : to show that your company really generates results!

Today’s markets are saturated with offers and commercial alternatives, and many of them simply sell “smoke” and promise magical results that do not materialize later.

You need to show that you are not more of the same ! 

And that’s where the success stories come into play . They are contents in which the history of a client and the achievements he achieved through your product, service or tool are shared in detail.

Preferably, to build trust and be transparent, mention the specific name of your client in this material, as long as he authorizes it, of course. And most of all, back up every message and claim with hard data and compelling metrics.

On the other hand, if in addition to generating trust you want to captivate, fall in love and even evoke feelings, you can use storytelling as a model for writing and developing the case.

After all, who doesn’t love stories with happy endings? 

Taking advantage of the occasion, I invite you to know the success story of Aliat Universidades with Rock Content , in a strategy that has generated beautiful results for the digital presence of that Mexican educational institution.

3. Ebooks (preferably interactive)       

For many, a book has changed their lives forever. And this can also be achieved in a digital and summarized version, such as ebooks.

An ebook, for example, can be the reading that your lead needed to discover how to solve and meet a prevailing need and, thus, hire a product – your product – that translates into substantial improvements, great results and growth.

This format also stands out for offering sufficient breadth to explain products, services or innovation topics in a detailed and segmented way .

If you opt for interactive ebooks, you will improve the experience of your reader, turning the material into a collectible and memorable piece, at the same time that you will promote the capture of data of interest .

4. Product blog posts

If you want content that, in addition to empowering your sellers, is highly visible, easily accessible and even contributes to the digital authority of your brand, give blog posts a try! 

This is the preferred format for SEO :

  • extension flexibility,
  • open to images and videos that enhance the experience,
  • able to draw on the authority that your domain already has
  • and of course always waiting for an excellent keyword distribution .

To conquer the SERPs of Google (and a few sales)!

To align with what is expected of the different content formats for Sales Enablement, use blog posts as explanatory guides for your products .

Also, it is a good idea to tackle specialized and novel topics in your market and turn your sellers into authors, giving them visibility and authority. 

5. Customer reviews and recommendations 

Customers also have a direct role in the best content formats for sales enablement. 

Today, marketing is increasingly open to allowing user interactions, and the contents of reviews and recommendations are a clear example of this.

That your clients have posts on your blog or, even, make reviews on external pages, dedicated to opinions and ratings, will favor your sales enablement strategy .

This can be a powerful source of new lead generation. In the end, nothing has more engagement than an objective opinion from someone who has already used a certain product or service.

Word of mouth marketing keeps your reach intact . Instead of being overshadowed by the advent of digital channels, it has used them to make itself much more visible and tangible.

6. Case studies

It is one of the content formats for sales enablement that follows the line of success stories.

It also consists of exposing the use case, exploitation and results of a certain client , simply with the difference that it will be approached through the perspective of a study.

What the client did well, what value your company contributed, how the numbers advanced, among other factors, are some information to include within this type of material.

In short, it is a more technical content and, if you like, academic, based on numbers and following an explanatory approach.          

7. Nutrition flows and, in general, email marketing

The email marketing , that channel the classic Marketing Digital , is still relevant for trends and practices that are today at the forefront, as is the sales enablement.     

The emails are close, personalized and direct, which is why they work perfectly when we want to prepare an ideal scenario for the closing of sales and the work of the commercial team.

Through these we can send nutrition flows aimed at enabling sales , which invite access to posts and content that talk about products and services, focused on conversion .   

Also, we can use email as a channel to deliver customer success stories, share market statistics that support our products and, in general, add value.  

8. ROI calculators

If you are targeting the B2B market, mainly, you are targeting leads who are pressured by their organizations.

Marketing managers, purchasing managers, partners… no matter the position, they all have the same challenge: ensuring that their companies will get results from their investments.

For that reason, if you help them measure the ROI they could obtain with your product, service or tool, you will have them in your hands!

Be objective and realistic, based on past customer experiences, to configure your tool’s calculations. 

You can accompany the calculator with documents, infographics and other content that goes beyond numbers and is informative and explanatory. 

Check out our interactive ROI calculator to see how this resource works:

9. White Papers

The White Papers are high – level documents that generate confidence and catch the interest of leads. Without a doubt, they are among the most technically rich content formats for sales enablement. 

It is about content – written, although it can be accompanied by images and infographics – in which data, statistics and indicators on a specific topic are shared.

This, in addition to generating value for the user, shows authority and can be strong proof of the relevance of the product or service you offer to the lead.

Also, you can use these digital books to train your salespeople, teaching them perspectives and market insights.

And ready! You already know 9 content formats for sales enablement that will help you boost your commercial success .

Empowering your sales team and building ideal scenarios for closings will drive conversions and business generated.

Lean on the power of content! 

Are you ready to take your sales enablement strategy to the next level? In addition to good content, you need quality solutions to expand your reach! Learn how you can help Rock Content !

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