Know the 4 Cs of Marketing, when they were created and how you can manage them in your strategy to obtain more results

Know the 4 Cs of Marketing, when they were created and how you can manage them in your strategy to obtain more results

You must already be familiar with the 4 Ps of marketing, so now you know the 4 Cs of marketing and understand why they are essential!

The marketing is a constantly evolving discipline. And as such, it is susceptible to change: paradigms evolve and perspectives take different directions.

One of these paradigms can be evidenced by the 4 Cs of marketing method, developed by Robert Lauterborn in the 1990s as an evolution of McCarthy’s 4 Ps strategy .

The most salient feature of the 4 Cs of marketing is the consideration of the consumer .

That is, if before the 4 Ps focused a lot on the product and little on the customer, the 4 Cs of marketing emerged to reverse this process.

So, discover, in this post, what are the 4 Cs of marketing and how you can use this method to increase your marketing strategy .

The marketing of the 4 Ps

Before knowing the 4 Cs of marketing, it is important to define the strategy of the 4 Ps of marketing . This theory was developed by Jerome McCarthy and widely publicized by the professor and author of books: Philip Kotler .

The 4 Ps refer to the 4 pillars that support a company’s marketing strategy:

  • Product : Refers to a series of aspects related to the study and development of a product or service.
  • Price : Covers all operational price choices in terms of strategic objectives.
  • Plaza : Refers to the choice of the distribution channels indicated in the marketing strategies .
  • Promotion : Includes promotional activities , including advertising, sponsored ads, direct marketing, merchandising, etc.

The concept of the 4 Cs of marketing

Focusing on a customer-oriented strategy , in 1993 Robert Lauterborn proposed the new concept of the 4 Cs of marketing to integrate it with the traditional 4 Ps method.

The difference is based precisely on the approach to the consumer. In the 4 Ps model of marketing, the central focus is always the product. Whereas, in the 4 Cs of marketing model, the attention is directed to the consumer .

From this perspective, the marketing plan , therefore, is conceived in a different way: focusing planning on the customer.

To understand it better, let’s know, below, what are the 4 Cs of marketing.

1. Client

The first C of this method refers to the needs and wants of consumers . The C for customer replaces the P for product in the old method. In this way, instead of focusing on the product itself, the C for customer focuses on filling some void in the consumer’s life .

This marketing strategy is important for businesses that are interested in getting to know their customers better. Since once you understand your consumer, it will be easier to create a product that brings benefits.

Thus, the customer is the one who makes the purchase decision , without being forced to do so, becoming the most valuable resource in any marketing strategy.

In other words, investing in customer experience is the best way to drive sales and increase a company’s profit. It is the modern concept in which everyone wins, since the consumer stopped being a passive recipient to become the main asset of the business.

2. Cost

The second C of the 4 Cs of marketing is cost. Do not confuse the cost of your product with the price, the price is only a small segment of the overall cost of buying a product for a consumer.

It is important to determine the overall cost — and not the price — of your product to the customer. The cost not only includes the price of the item, but can also include factors such as the time it takes the customer to get to the place where they buy the product.

In this way, the cost can also include the benefits of the product to the consumer or the absence of these .

3. Convenience

The third C is convenience, which we can compare with the P for plaza in the 4 Ps strategy. However, we must emphasize that they are very different elements.

Plaza simply refers to the place where the product is sold. On the other hand, convenience is a much more customer-oriented approach to this marketing strategy.

After analyzing customer habits, you should be able to know if they buy online or in physical stores, as well as what they are willing to do to buy your product.

The overall cost of the product will determine, in part, its suitability for the target audience. The purpose is that the access to the product is simple enough and with a good cost benefit so that the client can buy it without difficulties.

4. Communication

The fourth and last C is communication , which arises to replace the concept of promotion in the previous strategy, despite being quite different. Communication is the key to marketing for any business today. Without it, the 4 Cs of marketing would be ineffective.

Product promotion is used to influence or persuade consumers to make them buy a product. Therefore, promotion can be, in many cases, manipulative and ineffective.

However, communication is, again, a customer-oriented approach to fulfilling the task of selling products. Being that, communication requires interaction between the buyer and the seller. A marketing strategy that can be easily done on social media , for example.

Marketing a product on your social networks or including links in your profiles can be very advantageous for customers. This allows them to interact with your company on a more personal level and eventually induce loyalty towards your brand .

The 4 Cs of marketing can be very advantageous for any marketing strategy. After all, this strategy forces marketers to really understand their audience, even before developing a product.

Clearly, the 4 Cs of marketing require communication throughout the entire process, from start to finish, and it begins with understanding the consumer’s desires for the product.

When using the 4 Cs of marketing, it is important to always think of the consumer first and maintain effective communication with them throughout the process.

And since we are talking about marketing strategies, it is worth understanding the concept of content marketing , one of the most efficient communication tactics of modern marketing.

Find out all about this with our free ebook: The Complete Guide to Content Marketing .

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